
Hello Ugandans.

It is a great honor to welcome you to the website of the Ugandan Community in South Korea (UCISK), where you will find useful information that may be helpful to you. The Ugandan Community in South Korea is an umbrella organization that brings all Ugandans living, studying, working, and visiting South Korea together.

Uganda and the Republic of Korea have followed very similar historical trajectories, despite the geographical distance between them. Our two nations have ancient roots, sharing singularly the culture of peace today, but having both experienced the horrors of colonial occupation, war, and dictatorship. However, the two countries have successfully conducted the battle for economic development.

This website covers the current and most important events for Ugandans in the Republic of Korea and the news related to Uganda-Korea bilateral relations. It also provides the information necessary for all those wishing to study in Korea, learn about business and investment opportunities available in Uganda and Korea, and learn about tourist destinations in Uganda.

I encourage all Ugandans coming or planning to stay in Korea to get to know about our association, what we do, and what we can offer you. Please take note of our contact details so that you may contact us quickly if the need arises. But in order to provide you with useful and timely information, we would be grateful to receive your suggestions to improve our website and our community.

Please register and tell your friends to register and be part of the UCISK so that we can build a stronger community and advance the interests of our country and Ugandan's lives in South Korea. I would like to assure all Ugandans in the Republic of Korea of my personal commitment and that of the team.

I hope you can find the website helpful.


Mr. Kamugasha Robin



Postal Code: 04413
   Website: www.ugandanskorea.org
 Twitter: @ugandansInKorea
                 Email: ugkorea123@gmail.com